Life Skills Hub Curriculum
Our curriculum is guided by our ‘Mission and Vision Statement’ and we believe that every single young person is capable of making a positive contribution to society. However, we understand that this won’t happen without a carefully sequenced curriculum that supports their personal development and enables them to know more, remember more and achieve more.
The overall purpose of our curriculum is to prepare pupils for adulthood. We want to give our pupils the best possible chance of being successful learners, confident, resilient individuals, and responsible citizens.
Lead Curriculum Teacher
Curriculum Coordinator
Our Mission
We strive to offer a holistic, bespoke and relational service to promote the well-being and ambition of individuals. With Life Skills Hub, relationships are key.
Our Vision
Giving all young people the opportunity to express, progress and become the individuals they deserve to be and providing the skills to have a positive impact on our society.

Our Pathways
LSH Central Curriculum Pathway 1, known as Engage Pathway, is for young people that are not on our LSH school roll but are commissioned for short term, alternative provision sessions with our practitioners. Some of these young people may then build readiness for LSH Central and commissioners may seek to consult with LSH Central for a full-time school placement. If the consultation is accepted by LSH, we will seek to admit the young person onto Curriculum Pathways 2, 3 or 4 (as detailed below), dependent on their readiness for learning. Whilst young people are commissioned for Pathway 1, they either remain on their existing school roll elsewhere or a short term EOTAS package, which is reviewed on a termly basis and has oversight from the commissioning local authority.
BTEC Diplomas
We currently offer BTEC Diplomas in the following
Digital Media
Hospitality and Tourism
Art & Design
Sport and
Caring for Children
Vocational Studies
Useful Policies
Please see below some of the polices that our families find useful when looking at our curriculum offer.