Teens at railway track

Intense Outreach

Our Intense Outreach Service has multi-disciplinary Keyworkers who work flexibly and relationally on a 1-1 or 2-1 basis.

When you're going through a lot and maybe things haven't worked out how you thought they might, we are here to help. We offer a keyworker to get to know you, what you like doing, and what might be holding you back so we can work together. 

Kids in converse trainers

We might focus on your confidence building, getting out and about in the community, making new friends, accessing activities, exploring your emotions and what might help and give you encouragement, advice and support. 

Person with a plant

Our key workers are safe and experienced and will be alongside you and work at your pace.  We build a good relationship so that you can check things out and we will use an approach that suits you and your likes.  We provide support for 4-25-year-olds through our service, and we can come to your home, hold sessions in the community, school or college, or one of our LSH group settings.

Find Out More About Intense Outreach

If you’d like to find our more about our Intense Outreach sessions, please don’t hesitate to contact us below.