Parents and Carers

Welcome to our dedicated parents and carers section of the website. Here we have collated all of the information that we think you might find useful in one helpful place.

Careers Information

Our careers curriculum:

All young people from year 9 – year 11 will have an individual careers interview with a Level 6 qualified careers advisor to look at individual needs and support informed choice for next steps.

Life Skills Hub will provide all learners with a comprehensive careers’ curriculum for young people in all years of the school roll. The curriculum will provide support to build soft skills, life skills and skills for working life. These will be tailored to the young persons age and stage.

Each young people will have their own careers profile to support them in their journey to adulthood.  They will also have a Unifrog account which will enable them to explore careers and track their progress to support them to make informed choices about their futures.

Access to the Careers Advisor is only for children on roll.

If A young person is on roll with a school they will have a Careers Advisor there, if they are EOTAS, they will receive it through the Local Authority teams.  However, all of our students have access to the curriculum and Unifrog.

Labour Market Information:

High quality information regarding the Local Labour Market can help our students to understand:

1. Where the jobs are locally
2. Skills and qualities needed in the future
3. Potential growth sectors

This can help young people to make informed choices about their next steps and post 16 choices.


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At Life Skills Hub we offer a wide range of services. Our Inclusion lead with all new enquiries and admissions. At the new enquiry stage, it is important for parents/carers and professionals involved in the young person's life to share relevant and up-to-date information, including any up-to-date plans, assessments and reports.  To secure a package of support or placement, we must agree in our allocations meeting, hold all necessary admission and up-to-date information, have parental consent, funding approval & confirmation. We cannot proceed with the support or placement package until these steps have been fulfilled.

Please do not hesitate to contact Katy on the details below.  Once a young person's package of support or placement is agreed, we will arrange to complete our detailed admissions paperwork. 

Our admissions flowchart below shows you the steps for each admissions pathway we follow.  Our admissions policy holds further information, including our curriculum pathway model.  

The Local Offer is a way to make it easier for you to find out about services and support available to children and young people from birth to 25 years with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

The Hull SEND Local Offer website is full of information on - education, transport, support services and more.

All of this is available to young people aged 0 to 25 with a special educational need or disability living in Hull. It is also for their families and the professionals who work with them.

Meet Katy - Inclusion Lead

Katy is our Inclusion Lead she oversees Careers & the admissions process, you can contact her using the details below.
Telephone: 07588333453

What have we been up to?

Check out what our Young People have been up to on our Instagram page.