Safeguarding and Policies

At Life Skills Hub, we believe that welfare, well-being, and the safeguarding of our children, young people, and their families are paramount. The team at LSH are led by experienced Designated Safeguarding Leads. We believe in building positive relationships with families and professionals and working in a holistic way.

You can access all of our safeguarding documents here:

Meet the Safeguarding Team

Picture of Michelle Smiling


A Picture of Elly Smiling


Picture of Luke Smiling


You can contact the Safeguarding Team at any time on 07588333453

Working in Partnership

As well as our in-house Safeguarding, we are also committed to working alongside services and professionals.

The Local Authority Designated Officers, or LADO's are available in every local authority area. LADOs can be contacted if someone needs to sound out or report a concern about a staff member causing actual or perceived harm or risky behaviour to a child or young person within our care and/or the staff member is alleged to have committed a crime. LADO's role is to advise, support, and, if necessary, investigate matters reported as part of keeping children safe structure.

The LADO links for the local authorities Life Skills Hub currently work with are:

Early help and Support:

Children and their families may need extra support at different times in their lives. Early Help Assessments are a way of parents and a professional working together to identify any difficulties a family may be facing and then identifying the best possible ways of resolving them.

Sometimes, Life Skills Hub is not able to provide the expertise or support required, and in this case a family might decide to request the support of the Early Help Team and a Team Around the Family (TAF). This is a group of people who want the best for the child or young person.  They will work together in an open and honest way with the child and their family, to create a co-ordinated plan of support.

For more information, please speak to: 

  • someone at school

  • a health professional (including your GP)

  • a professional involved with you or your family

Worried About a Child?

If you are worried that a child or young person under the age of 18 is at risk of harm or needs help and support, it is important that you share this.

If you believe a child or young person is at immediate risk, you should contact the police on 999.

In an emergency or for urgent advice, please contact the Early Help and Safeguarding Hub (EHASH) or the Emergency Duty Team by telephone.


EHASH - 01482 448 879 option 4

Hull Emergency Duty Team - 01482 300 304 (Out of hours)

If your concern does not require an immediate response, please submit your concern via the portal.

Worried about a child | Hull

Early Help and Safeguarding Hub (EHASH) | Children in need | Hull

East Riding

East Riding Childrens Safeguarding Hub (SAPH): 01482 395 500: Support and protection for children (

East Riding Emergency Duty Team (EDT) after 5pm: 01482 393 939

East Riding Early Help and Safeguarding Hub (EHaSH): 01482 395 500 Early help and prevention (

Childline:  Childline 

Police: 101(Non-Emergency) / 999 (Emergency)

Support for parents/carers & advice services