Take a look around Life Skills Hub
Want to get to know Life Skills Hub a little better? Below are lots of photos of our facilities, from Life Skills Central on Endike Lane to outdoor spaces. We can’t wait for you to see!
Home Learning Links -
Below are some of the online resources we use within the school that are also available for use at home if you don’t not have a login please contact enquiries@lifeskillshub.co.uk
Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars
Unifrog - The universal destinations platform.
Free, time-saving teacher resources | Oak National Academy
Wellbeing Links -
www.calm.com The number 1 app for meditation and sleep, free to download

Life Skills Hub is passionate about supporting young people to understand their strengths and to support them to make informed decisions regarding their future pathways. We aim to ensure that they are ready to take their next steps with confidence.
At Life Skills Hub, we are committed to providing young people with up-to-date, impartial
careers guidance to support them to achieve their aspirations.
We want all our young people to:
Understand the full range of opportunities available to them. We will welcome employers into Life Skills Hub Central to enable our young people to learn about work and the skills that are valued in the workplace.
Have access to career guidance that is tailored to their specific needs and circumstances.
Understand the job and career opportunities available and how their knowledge and skills can help them when considering the next steps and career options.
Our young people will have access to a full and diverse Careers Guidance curriculum that can be tailored to their individual strengths and interests. All young people will have an account with Unifrog to support them in their journeys.
As well as being able to understand their future options, we support our young people to develop the skills that they require to be more independent and to learn key employability skills, including topics such as:
Effective communication.
Resilience and well-being in the workplace.
Organisation skills.
Time management.
Application and interview skills.
Labour Market Information:
High quality information regarding the Local Labour Market can help our students to understand:
1. Where the jobs are locally
2. Skills and qualities needed in the future
3. Potential growth sectors
This can help young people to make informed choices about their next steps and post 16 choices.
Our careers curriculum:
All young people from year 9 – year 11 will have an individual careers interview with a Level 6 qualified careers advisor to look at individual needs and support informed choice for next steps.
Life Skills Hub will provide all learners with a comprehensive careers’ curriculum for young people in all years of the school roll. The curriculum will provide support to build soft skills, life skills and skills for working life. These will be tailored to the young persons age and stage.
Each young people will have their own careers profile to support them in their journey to adulthood. They will also have a Unifrog account which will enable them to explore careers and track their progress to support them to make informed choices about their futures.
Access to the Careers Advisor is only for children on roll.
If A young person is on roll with a school they will have a Careers Advisor there, if they are EOTAS, they will receive it through the Local Authority teams. However, all of our students have access to the curriculum and Unifrog.
Worried about something?
If you’re worried about something, you can speak to any of the team; we want to hear from you. Or you can find out more on our safeguarding page below.
We'd love to know what you think about Life Skills Hub. You can fill in our dedicated young people feedback survey below.
Student Policies
It’s really important that all of our students feel safe and supported at Life Skills Hub and below are two policies you may find useful, the first is our Student Code of Conduct and also our Student GDPR Policy.